This is regarding Clarification on eligibility for grant of non-functional scale of Grade pay of Rs.5400/-- In PB-2  Level 9 in compliance of Hon'ble CAT Bench, Hyderabad orders rated 02.12.2021 in OA No.506/2021



Clarification on eligibility for grant of non-functional scale of Grade pay of Rs. 5400/- In PB-2 Level 9 in compliance of Hon'ble CAT Bench, Hyderabad orders rated 02.12.2021 in OA No.506/2021


No, 2-25t2019-PCC

Government of India 

Ministry of Communications 

Department of Posts


Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,

New Delhi-110001

Dated : 27.05.2024



Chief Postmaster General,

A.P. Circle, Vijayawada - 520013.


Sub:  Clarification on eligibility for grant of non-functional scale of Grade pay of Rs.5400/- In PB-2  Level 9 in compliance of Hon'ble CAT Bench, Hyderabad orders rated 02.12.2021 in OA No.506/2021-reg.

 This refers to your office letter No.ST-IBOA 506/2021 Imp dated 07.05.2024 regarding extension of benefit of the aforesaid judgement dated 02.12.2021 to those IP ASP, who completed 4 years of continuous service in Level-8 after 22.07.2021

 2.  In this respect it is informed that vide this office letter dated 19.06.2023 it has seen categorically mentioned that the benefit of the aforesaid judgment was to be given only to the eligible members of the AIAlP/ASP as on 22.07.2021 . The fact was again clarified vide this office letter of even No, data 27.03.2024 {refer to point no.1).

 3.  It is, therefore, requested to review the orders issued by Circle in accordance with OM dated 19.06.2023 and clarification dated 27.03.2024 ibid.


                                                                                            Yours faithfully,


Ravi Pahwa


Assistant Director General ( GDS/PCC)

Tel. 011 23096629


Copy for similar action to all the Chief Post Master General (except AP Circle).