F.No. PP-38-1/202O-PAP
Govemment of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,New Delhi - I l0 001'foDated: 26.08.2020
All Heads of Circles.
AII GM (PAFYDAS(P)All Directors Postal Staff College lndia i PTCs.
Subject: Monetary ceiling of briefcase /ladies purses for official purposes -regarding.
I am directed to refer to this Directorate's Order No. 34-ll2013-PAPdated 16.04.2015 and subsequent clarification issued vide letter no. 34-ll20l3-PAP dated 23.07 .2015 on the above-noted sub.lect.2.
Consequent upon upgradation of post of Assistant Superintendent of Posts (ASP) to Level 8 of Pay Matrix , corresponding to Grade pay Rs. 4,800/-by the Govemment on the recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission' the Competent Authority, in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing, has decided to enhance the upper cost ofceiling of briefcase / ladies purse for ASPs from Rs. 3,500/- to Rs. 4,000/-. Others contents of the order issued on 16.04.2015 and clarification issued on 23.07.2015 will remain unchanged.
The order will be effective from the date olissue of order.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(D.K. Tripathi)Assistant Director General (Estt.)
Copy to:
l. PPS to Secretary(Posts)
2. All Members of Postal Services Board
3. AS&FA(Posts)
4. DDG(PAF)/Secretary(PSB)/GM(F) BDD/CGM (PLI)
5. All other DDsG in Postal Directorate.
6. Guard file, Spare copy
7. GM, CEPT Mysore - The order may please be uploaded on thewebsite of India Post.